Being an adult can be hard but when you have the freedom to go out and eat the desserts your parents always shut down, that is when you really start to feel alive. So, you can imagine coming to The Patio Desserts & Drinks fulfilled some empty hole in the pit of my stomach. Anyways, the Thai tea toast was TOP. Thicker than the French toast you see on master chefs and smothered in what looked like a butterscotch drizzle. I recommend going straight for the middle pieces. They're the softest and have absorbed most of the flavors by your first bite plus why wait for the best part. No one is telling you too. Highly recommend for the dessert pet of brussert (brunch + dessert). Beware though, The Patio is totally aesthetically pleasing so there's a good chance you might spend an hour getting a good insta photo. #5Stars