this facility has repeatedly lied to me on the phone, and in person, as to when my imaging report will be ready. my original scanning was done 19 days ago. i was required to return for a follow-up visit because they did not perform the scan as ordered the first time. i was told on that day (the 16th) that the report would be done in "a few days". i have since been told on three different occasions when it would be ready to pick up, and each time it was not true (AKA a lie). today is wednesday the 27th, and i was told today that it is still not ready......absolutely awful. these kind of delays are so very typical of why i have had horrible peripheral neuropathy for 32 months, and cannot get effective treatment. the people who performed the scanning for me were nice enough. but obviously when this sort of delay occurs, and when i am misinformed (AKA lied to) this many times, it reflects very poorly on the company.