Ahwatukee Crossfit has changed my life. My sister passed away in May of 2017 and she was a huge fan of her CrossFit in California. When she died I wanted to do something in her honor. I came home from her services and called Bridget the owner immediately. I showed up because she told me this was a family and I would love the community. Women empower women. Who knew?
We don't know what we don't know! I start working out. At first it was a chore but now it is muscle memory! I roll out of bed because it is the happiest hour of my day. Jolean welcomes me and shows me the ropes. Everything I thought I couldn't do I can do. There is a scaled version for everything. And we make little smart goals. Everyday I get better and better. I have lost about 25 pounds and I do not take blood pressure pills anymore. I am going to just keep coming back. I smile a little more everyday because of this place. What have you got to lose!?
All of the coaches are amazing and each one will help you do better.
The girls will push you and run with you and even go another round with you to watch you finish!!
I have no words for that feeling.
I lost my beautiful sister but she helped me gain a family!
Thank you Ahwatukee CrossFit!!