You can find some pretty good finds in this store, but you really have to FIND them. There are a lot of times I've been in here and stuff seems to be just thrown on the shelves and not organized in anyway. It could be a matter of customers messing up things, but I have never seen an employee trying to straight up anything - it could just be bad timing on my part.
The good thing is that the store layout doesn't really change so that you can run in, go to the sections you need to go to, and get out in a couple of minutes if you don't find what you are looking for.
I don't really appreciate the way they 'herd' the register line into one big line with all this stuff (impulse buys) on baskets and shelves that create the barrier... but you only have to deal with it once in a while... REALLY REALLY bad for the mom's with kids since a lot of the impulse buys are toys and gadgets.