| - Disgusting! Arrived at 11:40 am, barely anyone was there. I got seated right away but decided to move my table. So I asked a waitress and she gave me attitude. Her response was basically, " I don't care". I was appalled. I got to my table and i had to wait for ten freaking minutes for my menu. Barely anyone was there?! The waitress finallllly came to my table and gave me the menu and guess who was my server, The one who gave me attitude. Her attitude right away changed when she came. Probably because I was with people. We placed our order and I asked her for the desert menu. I specifically told her that I wanted my desert along with my meal. She laughed and said okay. I kept an eye on her and no show up for my desert menu. I saw a black, bald server and I said, "excuse me", and her response was with her back turned towards me with her back hand in my face. What the ef ?! My family and I were shocked! I have neeevvvvverrr been so disrespected in my life!!! Our food finally came and I told our freaking waitress that I asked for the desert menu. She looked at me with a disgusting look on her face and said, " okay?". Lmaaaooo!!! What the he'll! So I asked to speak with her manager and told her everything that had happened. I asked what kind of people is she hiring? The manager told me that they worked there for a long time? Lmao wow. I didn't eat or even touched the water I was so disgusted! Tall, white older lady and black, bald older lady. How disgusting to treat their customers with such disrespect! Being younger, way younger than them, I have more respect and manor than they'll ever have. Age ain't nothing but a number. Respect your elders my ass. Respect those who respect others. Wow! 0\10. I've never wrote a review but this I had too. I asked my mother and grandmother if they enjoyed their meal and they said it wasn't that great. our service was so Disgusting that they couldn't enjoy it. Especially that I didn't eat either. Never will I go there ever in my life. I got no apology from either of the low servers. Thanks for nothing. 0/10.