| - I would never go here again and I do not recommend it to anyone.
On one visit I had a full brazilian. It was pricey and it took a half hour which is a long time and usually means they're going over the same area more than once. I ended up pretty raw.
On second visit I took "advantage" of their get-ready-for-the-party package that offered "Hair, make-up and a manicure." I had the manicure first and it took an hour. What? How. No massage, no cuticle cutting, just shaping, buffing and painstakingly slow nail painting. Then I had my hair done. I asked her to do half up, and the rest in curls. She curled my hair in large curls with the ends not tucked in so they had that unfinished looked. She didn't pin half of my hair back, but said she'd do it after she did my make-up. She did my make up - she put dark purple on the inside of my lids in the very place that MOST people put a light colour or a highlight - I looked like I had two black eyes. I said "usually I put the dark colour in my crease or on the outside part of my lid, not the inside" so she took that off, and then applied a little more make up (but not to my crease) and was done. She didn't do my eyeliner or mascara at my request because I knew at this point I could do a better job. So after my "make up application" which was basically foundation, powder and a botched eyeshadow job that I asked her to take off, she "finished" my hair but pining back a few of the curls - NOT pining up, but pining back. Even though I had asked for half up and half in curls. She then pronounced she was done. To make matters worse I knew the curls wouldn't stay in - she had hardly held the curling iron in place (and don't forget the unfinished ends). So I go up to pay - believe it or not I had agreed to pay $90.00 for this. I assumer 30 for nails, 30 for hair, and 30 for the "make-up application". I was charged $127.00 because I asked for an "up-do" and really the usually only do a "blowdry." I didn't argue I just wanted out of there - but A) they should have specified "blowdry" in the ad (and I had washed and dried my own hair before coming in specifically to save time and effort) and B) I would hardly call what they did to my hair an "up-do" - the curls fell out within 30 minutes.
This is a shop of completely amateurs - maybe they have training, but they have no interest in doing their jobs well. I do not recommend this place to anyone interested in quality. Sure it is a bit cheaper than other places, but I could have saved the $127 and a lot of time and just done everything myself and it would have looked a lot better.