Ed has a isue with running his mouth when he is in the wrong I have plenty of proof with pictures and Email correspondence I even have screenshots of other people who had similar issues and have had issues with the owner Ed add if anyone needs help its you cause apparently you do not know how to run a business-and you do not know how to have true customer-service customer-service is when its customer 1st and you don't call customers all these names tell the customer they need to get help you are the one that needs to get help I truly cannot see you in 5 years being in business with the way you're conducting your business affairs I would suggest you going to a seminar to help you with your customer-service ability and hiring employees that aren't paid under-the-table which I'm sure the Iris hopefully will read this and looking to your business because your own and please told my wife and she can confirm and that they are paid under-the-table have a good 1 have a good life