| - From the very beginning we've had such a positive experience with Arizona Premium Mattress.
My husband and had been searching far and wide for our perfect sleep enabler, after years of sleeping on an old coil spring mattress with a too soft memory foam topper. Our bodies ached, we didn't sleep well, etc. And if we were going to get a mattress... well golly gee it was going to be the best, natural mattress in the world... within our budget. We embarked on a holy grail-style adventure, hopping around from organic mattress store to organic mattress store. Some experiences were better than others (see my other reviews), but the costs were just extravagant.
One weekend, we took a romantic getaway trip to Sedona. On our way back to L.A., I randomly googled mattress places near Phoenix. I called Arizona Premium Mattress. While their store wouldn't open until 9 or so, they were willing to let us sneak in early for a private tour. First class! We met the upholstery guy, Kenny, who was just a sweetheart. He showed us their small but perfect selection.
As soon as we lay down, we looked at each other and just knew. This wasn't like the other stores, where we had to bounce from bed to bed, uncertain. We met the owner, Ken, signed up for the pillow deal (check their website), ordered the mattress, and away we went.
In a few weeks, the mattress came in 3 big boxes. It was Christmas morning all over again. A few stuffs and zips, and snap, we had a new, beautiful, natural latex bed with a beautifully soft bamboo covering.
It was mid-day, but we hopped into bed like nobody's business. And napped, and napped, and napped. I swore over and over again to my husband, "This bed smells like vanilla ice cream in a freshly made waffle cone!"
It still does.
I sleep like a baby, I adore taking naps now, and my husband no longer has shoulder aches from sleeping on his side. We're looking forward to getting mini-mattresses for little ones to come. I want my babies to have vanilla ice cream dreams too.