I have been a patient for a few years. Every visit is hit or miss. More miss however. Recently I came in to repair a filling from a couple of years before. He was hostile and rude when I told him that I felt the quality of work likely resulted in the filling coming out. I had told him at the prior visit that the material was not flush along the side of my tooth. When I came back in for the repair, he essentially told me I had lost my mind and that he had never worked on that tooth previously!
Additionally, he was rude and short with a new dental assistant. Note to Dr. There's a difference between a leader and a boss. Her hand was shaking so much that she couldn't use the suction device properly and it felt like I was drowning.
Also, upon request at the end of my visit, I asked for the X-rays which were done the day before- however I was informed that they only had a digital file. Which meant that the young receptionist ended up printing off several 8-1/2 by 11" papers with a maximum of two teeth per sheet. I asked if she would email me my digital file and she responded that that would be illegal. So I essentially paid for a jigsaw puzzle for my future dentist to figure out.
With so many dentists in the area, don't get stuck with this one.
I truly loved the hygienist, Anna. She was excellent and I will miss her.