Dr. Sirsy is the worst Dr. I have ever met in my life. I cant even let the words Dr. come to my mouth when I think about the experience I had here. My son was very ill and Sirsy did not treat my son nor did he bother to recognize the fact that he was ill! Sirsy does not deserve the title "Dr." Do yourself a favor and forget about the $60.00 banner on the front of their building. There is a reason why they need to advertise this to get people in there. I had to take my son to the Urgent Care Extra to get true treatment for him. They did deem that my son had Bronchitis. I sure wish I had gone to the Urgent care first and just paid the $100 instead of the $60 because now I'm out $160. This is what happens when you try to go cheap. Doctors like Sirsy is what is wrong with the medical field today. It seems as if they do not care about patients but only caring to heard people through like cattle to see as many people as possible to make as much money as they can as opposed to taking that extra 5 mins to truly examine a patient. Whats more disturbing is Sirsy is a pediatrician, how can someone live with themselves knowing they don't really care about the health of little ones and be in the profession to care for little ones and have parents entrust our children's health with them. I am truly shocked and appalled with this man. It just disgusts me that he is able to practice medicine and treat children in need this way. I have no true words for how disgusted I am with this man who claims to be a pediatrician.