| - YELP 365 CHALLENGE 2014-(149/365) "How About a Pabellon Cachapa?"
Long awaited update, and first time in the brick and mortar location. Glad to see that they offer more than just Arepas now, and are open 24 hours on weekends.
Perusing the menu, a couple of things caught my attention-Pabellon, and Cachapa.
Too bad they didn't have the two combined, because I've been searching for that killer combination after having it at Pica Pica Maize Kitchen in Napa.
Having already tried a few of the Arepas, we ordered both the Cachapa and Pabellon to share as well as their tasty Soursop Drink. These were both pretty good, but I wished they would offer more ways to have the cachapa than just cheese.fillings, or even a pabellon cachapa? (hint, hint!) maybe like any of the arepas The Arepas are okay, but I just am not much of a fan of that masa pocket that holds all the fillings together, kinda like a Mexican Gordita which I'm also not really a fan of.
If worse comes to worse, I might even just order a cachapa and ask them to add the meat and plantains inside and charge me extra...that is, if and when a craving hits, because we're almost always next door anyway! ALOHA!!!
Shaka Meter \uuu/ \uuu/ \uuu/ \u 3.25