| - Sadly, this is only second time providing a negative review on my yelp account. This store is run by mybullfrog in the walmart and staples shopping center. Near it is also bellagio restaurant. I did not have a pleasant experience at this location. I do not recommend it to anyone. I would go to a store strictly run by verizon, not run on behalf of someone else. In my experience, it makes a big difference. Signing up as a new customer here was beyond cumbersome, i question the integrity, training, and quality of the employees at this location. With Verizon you pay a premium for great service, but this location certainly does not meet the verizon centers. In addition, I would recommend if you have questions or concerns to call 1800 number of verizon instead of coming here. The problem is that mybullfrog will spin you in circles to make a sale, but when it comes to the nitty gritty important information, they fail in explaining. I feel really bad they got credit for me signing up, I will never return here. I had to have verizon 1800 number customer service fix my plans, it was worth the wait, rather than deal with the employees here. If you really need to see an employee at this store see Jared or that sweet young lady who work towards the front by the entrance. Don't get into trouble here and have your plan all screwed up. Go to a store in scottsdale, chandler, but not this one.