This store is an absolute disgrace. The owners obnoxious and insulted my wife several times for not getting insurance on one of her parcels. In addition my wife became ill and the package was returned to the store due to failed delivery. He must of had quite a grudge against her because when I came in to pick it up about 3 1/2 weeks later, He said that he had thrown my MacBook Air away because he is not "a storage facility". This man is an absolute disgrace and I would never ever ever recommend anyone go to the store under any circumstance unless they want their packages to be stolen from them or tossed in the garbage. Drive the extra mile to Cedar Center where you can be treated with respect and your packages treated with kid gloves. Shame on this man.
Regarding tryout response, you failed to mention that you "threw away" a brand new MacBook Air. Very unlikely sir. Your actions, mannerism, professionalism, and even morality is highly suspect. I would trust you to take out my trash. I tell this story every chance I can get at all UPS stores and have formal complaints with corporate pending as well as potential legal action. Do not trust anything with this store people, if this man is having a bad day, your packages may end up in the cough cough, "trash" like my brand new computer. Who are you,kidding sir.