| - Pho Xyclo - Church Street - 3/15/10
Walking up and down Yonge Street, one passes numerous restaurants offering fare and recipes from all over the world. Bellyman is a big fan of Vietnam's national dish, pho, and Belly Family decided they'd try for some at dinner time. Another quick search turned up Pho Xyclo literally right around the corner from Belly Family's hotel in Toronto's Gay Village. Listed as "Asian fusion", Belly Family knew they'd find not just their traditional favorites, but some new variations as well.
Unfortunately, after looking over the menu, Bellyman knew he was not having pho that night. There were far too many other choices that he had to try and couldn't pass them up in favor of an old favorite. Bellyman is so glad he did...
Belly Family started out with the appetizer roll platter, an amazing sampler of their savory spring, shrimp and chicken rolls and a collection of dipping sauces that only made them better. Bellyman had ordered a bowl of the wonton soup, but the waitress told him it was a full meal unto itself, so Bellyman decided against it. However, it still showed up at the table, and Bellyman was hungry so he ate it anyway (sharing with Belly Family, of course.). A very good soup! Not necessarily the best Bellyman has had, but right up there.
For dinner, though, Bellyman had the Lemongrass Fried Rice with Steak. Oh, Bellyman's goodness! This delicious entry was easily one of the best things Bellyman has EVER put into either of his mouths! The flavors were subtle and plentiful, none overpowering any other and all meshing together beautifully. Even better, since Bellyman had filled up on soup, he was able to take it home and have it for lunch and it was just as good the next day!
Bellyman has a saying: "Bellyman doesn't have an 'authentic' tastebud, only those that tell him if it tastes good or not". Pho Xyclo's offerings are not what you're going to find at your typical Asian restaurant, but the waitress did say all of their recipes come from her family and it's how they eat all the time. Bellyman would never leave the house if this was the food Mrs. Bellyman was offering (no offense to Mrs. Bellyman. Bellyman's sexy figure is the result of her amazing cooking!)
Verdict: Bellyman wants to live in Toronto for a wealth of reasons. Pho Xyclo is now the newest one. It's worth changing nationalities for