| - Ah Selwyn Avenue, you beckon me with your specialty stores, adorable coffee shops, and delicious bites. But let's not forget about the star boutique on this fab little ave - Kk Bloom!
Yes ladies, Kk Bloom is where it's at for cute summer dress, comfy tees, plenty of accessories and super nice staff. You'll spy brands like Ella Moss, Splendid, Glam, Trinity, Aryn K and Wink. There's quite a bit of merchandise packed into these racks, so be prepared to spend a bit of time sifting through it.
While some of these (like Wink) can be on the pricey side - think $200+ for dresses - there's also a nice selection in the $75-$150 range. I scored an adorable silk dress from Glam for about $100 here that I plan to wear plenty 'o times this summer.
Parking can be a bit hairy, so be aware of where your car is and read all the signage. There's nothing worse that purchasing a great outfit and then walking back to your car to see a ticket. Not fabulous.
Sorry, dear husband, I'm a fan of KK Bloom!