my kitten got stung by a yellow jacket in the mouth, which caused his tongue to swell. Of course this happened, around 540 pm... I drove around looking for the closest vet as I live around canyon meadows.. willow park closed - the nearest vet to my house - closed, one in acadia closed - finally I got to Silverado and they are open later - thank goodness. They took a look and gave him two shots and told me to just keep an eye on him but that he will probably be fine. The next day they called to make sure my little kitten was good.
This is not the first time I have taken a cat to them and they have always called the next day to make sure things are getting better.
The vet takes the time to explain things to you about what she plans on doing and even took the kitten out the room so I didn't have to watch the needles being inserted into the kitten (not a fan of needles). The staff is very friendly.