I was a customer for years. The manager was always accomodating. I can respect the patience it must take to deal with a daily influx of customers, and rarely criticize any worker! Today, I drove over to print a few things and mail out a gift. I was terrified to see a man out front with two of the most terrifying dogs I've ever seen...unleashed (one looked like it had a limp, but was still intimidating! I returned to my car to wait for him to leave the area when it appeared he walked into Postnet. But I wondered if maybe he and the dogs had gone next door.
Not wanting to sit in my car all day, I called a girl answered. I asked if there were dogs in the store. She said, "Yea." So, I responded , "Is that allowed?" In a nasty tone she told me, "He's allowed to have his dogs in the store." And HUNG up.
I wish the owner should reconsider allowing animals into such a place (especially the ones I saw). It's a lawsuit waiting to happen. Mainly though, it was the rudeness I encountered. With all of the nice people who'd appreciate a job why hire such a person who is nasty to the customers? Naturally, I don't want to return. Who would pay money to be mistreated or heaven forbid mauled?