| - 10105 Banburry Cross Drive, #350 Las Vegas, NV 89144-6506
(702) 243-6400. This is his correct address and contact number 04/09/2014
Dr. Lionel Handler is not only rated in the top 10 dermatologists in Las Vegas, he should be number 1. In 2002 I had what I thought was an irritating pimple above my right eye, turned out it was Basal cell. Dr Handler was kind, attentive and soothing during my Mohs surgery and the scar almost completely disappeared after he suggested Mederma. Yesterday I called his office because I was supposed to have Mohs surgery again on my scalp for a squamous Cell the day before at Desert Dermatology, but as I prepared to walk into the surgical room the nurse advised me they would not suture me till the following day. I asked why, and the girl replied "Because that's the way Dr. Kim does it". I could not go home with an open wound so I walked out. Dr Handlers office was very caring and squeezed me in a few hours after I called him. He looked at my lab report and scalp and said "We can do this right now if you want" or we could do it when I was ready later in the week. I was so relieved, I said yes, let's do this. It took less than 2 hours and I was on my way home with antibiotics!!! Dr Handler does not mess around, no unnecessary extra visits, and again he calmed me down and made me feel like I was welcome at any time. He was supposed to leave early and stayed just for me, saying to me that I had been through enough already. His staff is very sweet, understanding, and they listen. I will never stray again. If you want an KIND doctor who is GENUINE and is willing to go the extra mile for his patients then Dr Handler is your guy. I cannot thank him enough for what he has done for me on so many levels! ps....he never forgets any of his patients, no matter how long it's been since he had last seen you!!!!