where do I begin......NEVER GO HERE!!!!!!!! Our two hour affair spent at en couleur was quite the show, one we're surprised didn't end with food posing or being murdered. We walked in here on a casual Sunday afternoon with a party of 8 as there was no wait and they appeared to be not busy whatsoever. We weren't served water for maybe 20 minutes, and when we asked for drinks it was as if we asked for him to put on a circus show for us. Speaking of circus....the chef was sprinting around in metallic pink boots and his head was gushing blood. We couldn't find our server for 45 minutes and then saw him attempting to stealthily sneak back in carrying bags of groceries of milk and eggs. My friends and I are convinced this place is a front for something. After an hour we were finally able to take our orders. I got the smoked salmon crepe which after seeing blood on the chefs head and our servers fingers after he touched all of our silverware...well let's just say we had some trouble keeping our meals down. In fact, one of our friends barffed out of the window all over the car before going across border control upon our return to the states. All in all maybe the worst service I've ever seen and don't even get us started on the food. This place needs help.