TASTY!! This place rocks!! I've driven past for months and never went in always thinking it was for "extreme" bakery needs like a wedding, well indeed they do cater to weddings but it's also perfect if you just want a lil treat for your sweet tooth! They have everything you can possibly think of-cookies, fudge, cheesecake, and lots of other treats. Prices are awesome and staff is super friendly!
The best part of nona's i have to say is the cupcake bar. they have all different kinds of cupcakes (strawberry is amazing) and various icings with all the toppings you can think of. You can design your own cupcake which is lots of fun and its perfect if you want to take a lil gift to a friend but are trying to keep in cheap, sweet, & simple :)
would i go back...already have several times & plan to pick up some treats for v-day!!
my 1st review- hope you enjoy!