"One Hamburger, Ah Ah Ah, Two Hamburgers, Ah Ah Ah..."
Can you really beat a burger joint that gives you something like 60 different topping choices?
I started digging on this place in Palo Alto and was psyched to find out that among the mere 8 locations, including 5 in California, there was 1 in Charlotte.
They cook to order, and the temperature is always dead-on - you order medium, and you get medium.
Yeah, they have fries and onion strings and sweet potato fries and veggie burgers and turkey burgers and chicken and you can get your burger in a bowl without the bun and wine and beer and stuff for the kiddies and desserts and milk shakes...but all of that doesn't amount to jack if the burgers aren't good. BUT THESE BURGERS *ARE* GOOD. REALLY GOOD.
If the weather's nice, you can even sit outside.
The service was great when I was there.
If you're headed that way, count me in.