After checking out today I walked to the exit for the "sharpie person" to draw a line thru my receipt which is just "theater". This is so you can't bring your receipt back into the store and make it appear like you purchased the same items with the same receipt (or similar items). So I had 20 items totaling 178.00. So he goes "carrots, pistachios, bananas" draws line. So OK, do they get trained to do this?? Recite 3 of my items I purchased so everyone around can hear about some of my preferences? Or was this person just fascinated with the colors that these items brought to his mind. Carrots=orange, pistachios=green and bananas=yellow. So please Mr Manager instruct your "sharpie people" to find their entertainment away from the job site and leave the customers alone. 5/7/2018 11:40am