I arrived on time for a 1:30 appointment that was booked that same morning. The stylist wasnt done with his last customer so I sat to wait. After waiting 5 minutes, he snears at me that "we're closing after this one". That was enough for me, but I wanted to know how he'd reply to "I have an appointment."
"We're closing."
Wow! This owner / manager, whoever he is... he was just oozing with arrogance and contempt. Did he study at the F - you school of customer relations? A bad day? Sadly no. Ive seen, heard, watched this buffoon many times since, as a frequent customer of the diner next door. I suspect this guy has a serious character issue here (narcissistic personality). What ever his technical skills, it hardly matters. What is this "velvet style" of theirs? Oh, yeah, it's the iron hand in the velvet glove they slap you with.
Buyer beware.