I think this is quickly becoming my go-to cinema. There is something magical about showing up on a Sunday afternoon with only 10 minutes before your recently released movie starts and still getting an amazing seat (and that's after a bathroom and concession stop). Not to mention the sheer bliss that comes with using a line-free washroom post film.
Is it also possible that this theatre also attracts a different kind of theatre-goer than the downtown cinemas do? I saw a comedy last weekend and not once was I distracted by someone playing on their phone or deciding that their high-school grade gossip was more important than the movie that others had paid to see. I can't remember the last time I was able to say that upon leaving the Yonge-Dundas or Scotiabank movie theatres.
I've really hated the movie-theatre experience lately, but if the Beaches can get all the releases I want to see, I may be won back. Don't break my heart, Beaches!