My cousin was in the mood for greasy egg-rolls. I just moved to the neighborhood and I looked up this place. I had slim pickens, it was this place or another one. I went with this one and it was decent enough. I got a veggie lomein and it was good. Not lick smackin good, but good. Definitely had some flavor. Some places are so boring and bland. I also got an order of the fried wontons. They had potential. No crab, which is awesome for me. They were crunchy, but not enough cheese. Not even close. So it was mostly fried dough with a touch of cheese. My cousin LOVED his egg rolls. They were exactly what he wanted. The chinese mustard in the packages they give you are terrible, however, the stuff they have in the back, is delicious. I mean, yummy! I love the way your nose feels when you eat it. It was very very good. Service, to be expected at Chinese restaurant. Not mean, but not talkative and friendly. Prices were decent as well.