| - I really loved this place. I did. But today I went in because I have an important interview coming up. I went in for a full set and to get my eyebrows waxed. I got my eye brows done first and it went horribly. I have really thick brows and just wanted them to clean them up. I laid down and I heard barking. They had a 4 month old pug in the other room. He had begun barking and whining loudly and she BOUGHT THE DOG INTO THE ROOM WITH US. He began whining and walking around and she was talking to him as she did my brows. How unsanitary is that? then she put the wax on. It was touching my eye lid and was burning my skin. She saw me wincing and said pain is beauty and laughed. I made the comment my worst fear is having thin brows so keep them thick. She held the mirror up and I began to have a panic attack. My right brow was a straight line, and paper thin, My left eyebrow was arched, thin, and looked uneven. I began to cry and she tried to keep me in the room saying dont cry dont cry. I ran out the room and outside and began to cry my eyes out. I called my mom, and she told me to go to sephora immediately. My husband who was getting a pedicure came running outside and saw me bawling and immediately saw my brows. The woman who butchered them came out as well, telling me she would give me a free full set and free pedicure but kept saying calm down. My husband asked me what I wanted to do and I told him I still needed my nails done. They did my set and that was butchered as well. They are all uneven, and painted terribly. I hate them so much and am wondering if I should go somewhere else to fix them. I didnt have to pay them a cent but ended up having to pay 40.00 for makeup to fix my damn eyebrow. I am so angry and furious. I will never go back.
oooh child, let me tell you a story about a woman who didnt know when to stop when she was ahead. I came back to this hell hole because I admit they can do a flawless full set. I came in, with my mother, and look whose at the desk but the woman (not the word I wanted to use but I am lady) who removed my eyebrow. I sit down, to a different girl I think was named Jennifer who did a fantastic job might I add, So the woman who removes eyebrows, comes up to me and says hey honey, how you doing, its been awhile since we seen you. I didnt even look at her and said well yea, you ripped my eyebrow off. She fucking leans against me, and puts her hand on my shoulder. If you need to know anything about me, know I fucking hate being touched. I looked at her and said your touching me. And she just stares me and I say I dont like being touched and she finally takes her hands off me. She then goes to say wheres your boyfriend, and at this point I am furious. I point to my big ass ring on my hand and say you mean my husband? She then acts all shocked saying oh you married? girl please, at this point I wanted to enjoy my full set and I wanted her to stay the hell away from me. So everything is going good, I love my fullset, they look amazing, but im not sure if 45.00 is worth it. We go to pay, and this bitch (remover of eyebrows) says I was wondering if you could help me with something, and I just stare at her, and what does she do???
Now I am just in full rage mood. I tell her yes, and she goes on saying how much trouble she got in with her boss, how her boss said she should have made sure I was happy and she looks at me and said which I dont understand because I gave you free everything. I said um no you paid for my nails and husbands feet but you didnt replace my goddamn eyebrow. I then start yelling saying do you fucking realize I can sue you and shut this place down, YOU BROUGHT A DOG INTO AN ENCLOSED ROOM WITH ME!!!!!!!!!!!! she then tells me the dog was a one of their customers dogs, I flip out. I have an auto immune disease so germs can do a lot more damage to me then the normal person, I even told her, you didnt know if I was allergic to dogs, but my husband is!!!!!!!! You could have killed both of us, I even told her, I could sue you for everything this place is worth and I do have a lawyer on retainer for rainy fucking days like this. She then keeps saying repeatedly how much trouble she got in with owner, and how the owner chewed her out, So I said ya know what, give me your bosses number. She wrote a number on a piece of paper, and I walked out. I called the number and I asked the girl who answered if she was the owner and she said no wrong number and hung up. I called the nail place back, and read the number out loud to her, and she said omg I am so sorry I gave you my parents number! She had to go searching for the "real" number,and I have called 3 times with no answer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am beyond furious. Apparently this place wants to be sued.