I'm a current tenant at these apartments. They are very nice and this review is not about that, I believe there business practices are unethical and kind of shady. I have been here for a year and my lease is going to expire in July, I have never been late for rent and never had any complaints. Now after I have given them a year of my business in order for me to continue on a Month to Month lease they are increasing my rent from $1,000 to $1,600. This is wrong. I can understand them doing that for a new lease tenant, but to do that to a present tenant who has been there for a year already is not right. I have rented many properties; houses and apartments and I have never had a land lord increase the rent so much to force a tenant to resign a year lease. I can understand a little rent increase to make up for inflation or what not but a $600 increase is just wrong and unethical. I know your saying well just sign the year lease, well that's not an option because my family is looking into buying a house soon and want to leave our options open because it needs to be built. You can take from this what you want, if you like being forced to sign contracts or risk being punished financially if not then this is the place for you.