Absolutely the worst experience I've ever had. I rented a pair of skates for my daughter for the winter. A letter came in the mail that they were due back about 4 months later. I honestly forgot about it for a week until Steve called me at work. He said they were due back by 5 o'clock that day. I told him I worked until 8 that night but could have them back the following day. I was informed that because they were going to be ONE day late he was going to report me to the Sun Prairie police department. I could expect to be issued a citation and would be charged with a misdemeanor. Further more I would be taken to court, should hire a lawyer, and would need to miss work for all of this. Again, I explained they could be returned tomorrow but he said they were closed on Sundays. All of this, over a pair of ice skates. Great local store, I think not.