This was another place I wanted to love, but the pace of the service is just what you would expect from a place that has a clock permanently set to 4:20.
We stopped to get a couple quick take out sandwiches. The guy taking the order was super cool and made a good first impression.
Once the order was placed, he bagged up another delivery order, delivered it, and came back before they were done making our first sandwich.
It was every bit of 30 minutes. And, most annoying, they didn't even act like they were busy! One guy fumbled with a salad lid for like 10 minutes...bewildered as if he had never seen one before! I wanted to snatch it out of his hand and show him that he was obviously trying to put it on upside down! He even grabbed another as if a new one would somehow go on upside down. He wrapped the salad and side of dressing in plastic to prevent leaks. Nice thought but also VERY time consuming.
The other sandwich girl wasn't taking a hint either. The guy in front of me told her he was hung over, didn't care what was on the sandwich, didn't want to answer questions and asked her to just make the sandwich they way she wanted (in other words, hurry the F up!). She continued to ask him the questions anyway...
Sandwiches were pretty good, but not worth the wait.