| - Of the Michael's stores I've frequented, this is my favorite. Somehow these locations manage to attract the zaniest of characters, and this store is no exception. Occasionally, I'll see someone who will wear latex gloves when operating a cash register and refuses eye contact. Or perhaps a set of twins, both working the same shift together. No matter when I go, I always seem to run into interesting people.
What I love about this store is the familiarity. I've pretty much located all of the items I will ever need, and can run in and out quickly if I so desire. The dollar bins are treasure chests, in my opinion. A bunch of thank-you cards for $1, thank you very much, I'll take 20!
Working with kids for the past 4 years, Michaels is a mecca for craft supplies and art accoutrements. I'm a huge fan of their [50 and 40% off one item] coupons that can be sent to my email inbox, or better yet THEY HAVE AN IPHONE APP! And the quirky customer service reps are more than willing to scan the coupon from the app. A total time-saver, so I'm not digging through old and frequently deleted emails attempting to scrounge up a valid coupon.
There were even a few times before I had downloaded the app and had forgotten to bring a coupon, but just mentioned it, and they scanned a coupon for me.
I love the seasonal section as well, where you can find perfect quick crafts for the preschooler in your life (or a harried mom of 3 you happen to know). Vast selection coupled with weekly coupons makes Michael's a great spot to track down all your arts and craft supplies.