By far I think this is the most difficult trail in red rock canyon national park and offers the best view of the whole park. I guess depending how fit you are, even though this is rated as a difficult hike, people in shape should be able to do this without a problem. It's about 5 miles with half of it going uphill. Not recommended for beginners at all. And be prepared with plenty of water and a small snack to reenergize when you reach the top. The climb itself is about 2075 ft so it does get tiring.
I've done this hike about 7x since moving to Vegas 3 years ago. Summer was a killer since it gets very hot. Bring plenty of water, a sunscreen since this trail offers no shade at all and also stay on the track or you'll be doing more climbing than necessary. Spring time is the best season to do this hike. I've even ran into a herd of mountain sheep here before. I was in awe seeing these magnificent animals in such close proximity but I was also scared of the fully horned male charging at me. I stayed away at a safe distance. I don't recommend at all doing this during winter time because its cold as heck, yes it does snow up here at times, and it's harder to see your footing and cactuses when there is snow up here.
Once you reach the top, you'll see why I rated this hike 5 stars. Definitely a must try if you're an avid hiker and prepare well always as in most intermediate and strenuous hikes.