Update December 2017: For those of you looking at reviews of LSI, be warned. My experience with the reviews I've posted have been excellent using Yelp. It seems like most companies do look at the reviews posted on Yelp and try to fix problems you (the reviewer) may have incurred. Be careful about reviews on Consumer Affairs. Shortly after posting my experience with LSI on their (CA) site, they crossed it out with the explanation that they could not corroborate my story. I contacted CA to discuss the issue and offered to provide them all my medical records but they would not listen to me. I noticed that they did that with many bad reviews and then I noticed that LSI was advertising on their (CA) site. Really! That's a big conflict of interest.
Bottom Line. My experience is that you can trust Yelp, but not Consumer Affairs. I hope that this helps you the reader not only with making a decision on LSI but in regard to anything else you might be interested in.