I honestly just don't get it. I went here because I wanted to meet a friend relatively close to Union Station and wanted to eat something good. There are a lot of pricier joints downtown so I opted for Corrado's. It looked like it was going to be cheap + delicious arancini and italian-style sandwiches. I was rather disappointed when I actually ate it.
I love arancini. I love rice, and love rice with creaminess. And fried, crispy breading? Arancini is a delicious union of the two. Unfortunately Corrado's arancini doesn't quite measure up. Sure, they're pretty big, and the filling is actually creamy and tasty, but I don't see the point of smothering the arancini with tomato sauce as you can't taste any of the crunch or crispiness of the breading, and makes it just taste like I made rice with cream of mushroom sauce and pasta sauce.
The sandwich wasn't anything spectacular either. I much prefer Porchetta, Club Sandwich, or even my own sandwiches. Maybe the other menu options are better. Who know's, I'd much rather spend my time and money elsewhere.