| - This review may be a bit premature, but considering so many are up against holiday deadlines I thought it important to share.
After reading the many wonderful reviews, and having been spoiled by a small local family jeweler in San Fran for so long, I know Coff was going to be the place for me to call home now that I'm AZ based.
I bought a vintage Rolex several weeks ago. It landed on Nov 23rd. Realizing I would need a few additional links I took it to Coff on the 25th. While they didn't have the links in stock, Ryan ensured me they could be ordered and received by Weds/Tuesday. Ok, fair enough, a bit of a lengthy wait in this day of expedited shipping, amazon prime etc.
Weds came and call. Thursday came and went, no call.... so towards the end of the day I called and was told, "Fedex came but no links, surely they'll be here tomorrow...I'll call you"
Again, no call.
So late Friday I call and am told "spoke to Rolex, they didn't send the links until 11/30...but they should be here tomorrow." Makes me wonder, is Rolex asleep at the wheel or did my order just not get placed? But ok, Saturday it is.
Saturday, you guessed it, no call. In fact haven't had a call since 11/29 when I was told all was ordered and in route.
Today I call, hoping that just maybe...but alas no. No links, just a "well Ryan left a note for me to keep my eye out tomorrow....mail has been slow".
I ship 70,000 packages a week, not a single delay have I experienced yet. Ryan leaves a note for Leo to 'keep his eye out' but no call here? I mention perhaps we should reorder via overnight asking what my timeline is. Frankly. No service.
In a hurry for the holidays, this is NOT THE PLACE TO SHOP.
Cute store, nice pieces, no urgency and no service.