Worst management ever! I was a concirge at the Ashton for 4 years before Greystar management took over. The assistant manager Necole sleeps with residents even if they're with someone (Devin Funchess of the Carolina Panthers, etc.). The leasing agents(Sarah Navy and others) love to make "black people" jokes. And the property manager Angie Lovelace never does her job which is to fix the maintenance issues with the building and build relationships with residents. Too busy try to be "a boss" over residents and staff. I couldn't take it anymore after 4 years so I left. They'll tell you to ignore this because im a disgruntled ex employee. But they wont tell you i was voted best concierge in the city of Charlotte 2015 by Elevate Magazine(google it if you dont believe me). So why would someone voted best in city say these things? Because it's true. WELCOME TO THE ASHTON!!!