The worst Victoria Secret I've been in! When I first entered the store no one even greeted me. Even when I walked around not one associated acknowledge me in the PINK Section of the store. I continued to shop and made my selection when Penny on the Victoria Secret section. Asked if I needed help but by then I didn't. Waited in a very long line because only one register was open. Even though there was plenty of floor staff that could have open up another cash register. When I was ready to check out I had two coupons. One for 20.00 off and another free fragrance. Ask her because I wanted to use them both. She stated that I could so I gave her both coupons. Once I completed my purchase I left to fine out that the 20.00 off was never taken off. So I called the store and spoke the manager to get my 20.00 off. I HAD TO COME ALLLLLLLL THE WAY BACK,. Wasted my time and money. Never going back.