I am writing this review as I had used this place for se work on my teeth. First, the dentist told me that there is no limit as to what they can charge for any work as it is not regulated by the government.. Second, he also told me that it is the customers that buy his tools needed for work...which is wrong. As a business owner myself, I cannot make the customers pay for my business tools. The tools are required to do the job not to be put onto the patients shoulders. The business should be using there little bit of profit to buy new tools and whatever else it needs to operate not charge the patient out the bleep. I had 2 teeth fixed and within 1 week both teeth had broken, when I approached the dental clinic about it, they told me to bad you still have to pay..they charged me a ridiculous amount....I guess that's why he drives a BMW and vacations a few times a year...anything that is needed to operate a business is not the responsibility of the patients..it's the business's responsibility to save their profit and use that to upgrade or keep the business going. An auto motive tech can't charge the customer to by his tools, nor can a tradesmen. so why is ok for dentists to?
If a dentist wants to charge $1000 to pull 1 tooth they are allowed..I think that it's crazy there is no regulations on this since 1997. If you like paying for the BMW and the vacations...well the general public is a fool instead of standing up and saying something. I have investigated other countries and it is the same dental schooling in North America but those place are half and some even more than half the price of what is charges here in Canada....it's disgusting people..wake up.