This is the branch that my local BoA told me to go for its notary public.
Impressive modernization but lacking in comfort visually. Not impressed. You hv to wait to be seen, too, even just for a teller. The tellers are in way back around the corner so as u enter for the first time it's confusing. All u see are glass ofc cubes n uncomfortable seating. A dark setting with low lighting. The tellers seemed to be in a tizzy with whatever they were doing but there was only one customer when I came in. Then, I was asked if I had made an appointment! Gosh, it's not like the bank was full of customers. Then, someone told her that I was called in from my branch. Then! While she looked up my accounts, I felt like it was done to see whether or not I was worthy of what level of service. Hey, I'm not bad off but to show this mannerism it's shocking to hv to search my accounts that long. Maybe I read the vibes wrong but that's how it all unfolded to me. I should hv dressed in my Vera Wang instead of jeans. We need a Chase here. Bet it would do so well here.