It doesn't get better than this, by far BEST Restaurant, Dining Experience in Charlotte!!! Chicken so good made the Colonel $hit his country white suit pants. Cocktails are imaginative and wonderful. Oh those sweet potato dumplings, savory pillows filled in heaven by gastronomic angels. Mac-n-Cheese with the Chicken Skin Cracklings, the devil made me get seconds! Speaking of the devil, the Deviled Eggs are perfection especially since you get two double halves per order (no fighting over that odd half like other places make you because they are chinchy or the cook was hungry). If you are on a date, gotta try the pickled veggies of the day - fondly brings out that pucker face you know you wanna see. The Kale Citrus Salad is refreshing and crisp. Attentive & Knowledgeable Staff. Great value for quality, ambience & service. Your well behaved dog is welcome at one of the outdoor sidewalk tables (My Isabella loves coming here every week).