After seeing recent reviews about this place and then feeling sad b/c I literally have no reason to be in this area to get these delicious looking goodies, I was so excited when a friend showed up for a BBQ at my house tonight with a trio of these cakes.
I tried to hide my excitement as I asked: "are these from the bundt cake place?" She said yes and I had to fight the urge to cancel all my other meals plans and dig in right then as they looked so amazing!
I was a good girl and ate all my dinner, including my veggies, and then happily brought these cakes out for dessert. I started with the chocolate, chocolate chip and one bite in I knew I didn't want to share with anyone else- but, again, being a good girl/host I shared with the rest of the group.
In addition to the chocolate, chocolate chip we also had the lemon and the white chocolate cake chip. Each was delicious and if my friend agrees to bring these with her each time, I'm pretty sure I will offer to cook dinner for her every weekend!
Now just open one closer to my house, please!!!