| - Location is a little ways away from the airport, but that was known going in, so can't fault them there. But after that things were a little disappointing. There were 4 Hyundai Sonatas to choose from in the lot. The first one smelled like an ashtray, the second one had a low tire pressure sensor going off as soon as I started it. Third times the charm right? Well, not so much, the tire pressure started dropping 5-10 psi/day until I was able to swap it out without too much hassle thankfully.
Those were just minor inconveniences, but after finishing the rental and going over the receipt, I was charged for additional insurance. I mentioned at the counter that I did not need insurance I had adequate coverage through my credit card. It must have been added to the charges and I was told to sign a few minor things to finalize the transaction. I feel like it was added without my knowledge and with the "attention to detail" the cars receive here, I wouldn't be surprised if this was intentional.
Of course this is my fault. I should have gone over the receipt with a fine tooth comb, but when you say that you don't need additional insurance, you'd figure that they won't add it to your rental. I guess I learned a few lessons here.
1.) Analyze all car rental agreements before you walk away from the counter.
2.) Fox may charge less, but they make up for it with poorly maintained vehicles and underhanded sales tactics.