My decision to have a solar safe pool cover was based on safety, reliability and quality!
I bought a house in October and my first dilemma was: fall leaves in the pool every morning. second dilemma was: birds drinking out of my pool and pooping on my deck. Third dilemma was: I took many vacations and worried about my pool pump being on and someone always having to come to my house to clean my pool while I was gone.
Yes... I could have gotten just a plain old cover on top, but leaves would have still fell in the pool. dirt from monsoon would have still fell in the pool. Bird still had access to the outside of the pool cover.
When I purchase the solar safe pool cover...
I was actually able to hibernate my pool for a month-and-a-half and when I opened it it was still as clean and clear as when I closed it.
The birds have gone away to my neighbor's house and the leaves that fall on top of the pool cover, I just use my leaf blower and blow them off.
The pool cover actually rivets to my deck which is safe for children and my pets and I never have to worry when I'm at work.
It's actually custom-made to your pool and goes around waterfalls, rocks or other decor.
I can't tell you how happy I am that I made that purchase....
Jamie Avalla
Phoenix, AZ