Have been flying Southwest for years.
At first I thought that the chaotic boarding process was terrible. Once you are used to how the system works it is fine. With this system you have to make sure that you are on time to check in for your flight 24hours before departure. I always do this and really never seem to have a problem getting a seat where I want.
Now for my flight today I violated my own rule and forgot to check in! Shame on me. I was assigned C-22. Upon arrival at the airport I proceeded tot he gate and was able (for $40) to buy A2 much better! Cost a few bucks but now I know that I am good to go!
The planes always seem more comfortable to me than other carriers and I am not sure if it is the pilots or the equipment, but the flights and landings always seem to be more comfortable about SWA.
So overall cant go wrong here!