Listen... it's father's day... he wanted pizza... I was like "let's try some thing new"... here is where we came... we've been at dive bars all night... the fries at Roadhouse left me more satiated... the server was a sweet young girl that pretty much left us alone... that's why they got at least 3 stars... never checked back about the pizza or the 'meh' salad we got... ummm wait she just checked back... I'm not trying to be an A$$ but, this is average... sauce is not terrible on the pizza... BUT... THE CRUST it's been laying down all day... you get me? The salad. I went to put on the dressing and had to drop the container because it LITERALLY burnt me... dressing? Burning me??? Jiminey Crickets... anywho... it's Meh... so... we got ourselves a margarita pizza... (read: tomato sauce, cheese, basil) is it worth $34.00? Uh NO WAY! I made him pay...
So, make a choice... big boy pants... Try it... prove me wrong