Please read this for your own good..
I have lived at various complexes and have never had an issue like I've had at trillium north. Everything seemed pleasant, at first. Then, I had security banging on my windows and flashing lights through them without informing me who he was. I was terrified just to find out I was apparently watching a movie too loudly (when my roommate was sleeping while I was watching it by myself). Then, my roommate got harassed by a man at their swimming pool, who was not a guest of hers, and they send her a warning for her having more than one guest. That's how they handle harassment?!? You'll have NO internet or networking here due to the mountain blocking services. Due to having two sides of the complex my mail was constantly getting lost between them. Checkout time? Good luck!!! They're going to do everything possible for you to not be available for the walkthrough and proceed to charge an arm and leg for fees such as having ice in the ice maker and a crumb in the oven. I've always left happy and every complex I've stayed at except this one.