Pluses: they have amenities you might see at a waterpark for a fraction of the price in a clean, well-run facility. They have food available at the snack bar ranging from a popsicle (25 cents) to large pizzas. They offer a "dry pass", a discounted ticket for adults to come in as chaperones and non-swimmers (and they have nice beach chairs lining the perimeter). The lifeguards and staff members are really, really nice.
Minuses: It can get CROWDED. It can get very steamy during those hot summer days. On the day we visited, the water was quite heavily chlorinated (or whatever the chemical of choice is these days). You can't bring your own food, and you can't go in and outside without drying off all the way and getting dressed. Those rules weren't followed by everyone, so if you followed the rules you would have been a little appalled at seeing the numerous occasions of rule-breaking.
Good for 1-3 hours of summertime fun.