The worst experience ever!! The lady, (new employee) whom I spoke with at my consultation, told me that she would send a specialist in to look at my areas in which I wanted treated but, it became awkward after she went into her sales pitch prior to sending the specialist in.
When I asked about the specialist coming the employee stated that, she no longer needed to send in the specialist because she'd seen my areas in which I wanted treated.
I never showed her my under arms and only told her that I had shaved them already prior to coming to the consultation, since I kept them hairless by shaving. I had a long sleeved blouse on, therefore, she had no access.
She was extremely weird! I left as fast as I could since she left me uneasy!
There were no follow up calls nor did she seem interested in my becoming a member when I wouldn't sign up right away, before speaking with the specialist
I do not recommend this place nor will I ever go back!