I had a written a review here on 6/30/2015, but I don't see it here anymore. However, I had a less than pleasant experience at this restaurant on my Birthday & I was very upset & disappointed. Why I give them 5 stars is, because the District Manager himself replied to my Comment & was humble enough to apologize profusely on behalf of his staff & put it right. I did say I would never go to this restaurant again, however much I loved the food there.
But Mr.Cox was so nice, that I couldn't even be angry for too long. He made it special & thanked me for giving them a 2nd chance to do things right. I didn't expect anything or even expect anyone to read or reply to my comment. I was so touched when The District Manager himself had replied the very next Day.
I will certainly go back & I thank Mr.Cox for being so kind to me. Your Kind words meant so much, at a time I was so sad & upset. This world needs more people like you. Your staff is so lucky to have you, & if they decide to take you as an example, I am sure the Manager who was there that night, would learn to be nicer to his customers & not laugh at them. I appreciate Your kindness & Your way of making someone feel better. It means a lot. Thank you very much.