| - I actually never knew there was a Pho restaurant here until last week when my dad passed by here and notified me about it. I usually stick with Kim Po because I love the noodles there, but I decided to give this place a try just to see how things compare between the two restaurants.
I tried the seafood egg and rice noodle soup, however I originally only wanted rice noodles in my soup (not a fan of egg noodle soup in general). Unfortunately both noodles were added in the bowl. Seeing how the restaurant was insanely busy and I knew beforehand to not expect good service, I decided to just stick with it. At the end, the bowl was decent, but nothing to write home about.
Throughout the time I stayed in the restaurant, there was a male customer who kept talking to himself, and outlined everything that was tasty in the himself, then proceeded to try and start a conversation with anyone in the restaurant. When he got his food, he ate it for about 3 minutes, then went outside for a good 30 minutes before returning. Not sure what his intentions were, but I definitely felt a little uncomfortable eating.
I honestly don't see myself returning here; Kim Po provides better food IMO.