| - I first saw plugs for Yelena on Good Company Cleveland. I'm always looking for a relaxing, rejuventating facial however at $160 for the Signature Facial, I could not afford it until I saw it on Groupon for $60! So I purchased the groupon on Wednesday and called on Thursday for an appointment. First inclination I made a mistake. Language barrier while making an appointment. Asked for my groupon number, gave it to her on Thursday. Friday she called back and asked for my groupon number again. Saturday she called in what I assumed was to confirm my appointment for Monday. Nope, she needed my groupon number again. And believe it or not, I was even called on SUNDAY but this time I did not answer the phone and she did not leave a voicemail.
Monday, I had my appintment at 1:00. I arrived shortly before my appointment time as I assumed there would be some sort of paperwork, pretty standard. I was asked to sit down and was handed a clip board. No introduction or asking me about my skin and my concerns.
Facial: Room is bright, not relaxing. She "Looked" at my skin with the light for 2.5 seconds not telling me about any sun damage. But she did offer me an eye brow wax, no thank you. Extractions included her popping my blackheads with a tissues. Massage was rushed, almost felt at time she was slapping my face. Best part of the facial was when she left for 10 minutes and I was able to take finally relax. Overall she was rushed from the very beginning and talked too much about WHAT she was doing to me. When I couldn't understand her to begin with.
Check out: I was given a flyer of the services and some business cards. She explained about some buy 5 facials get the 6th free or something. No, thank you. My experience was so unsatisfactory that I wasn't coming back and I'm not ashamed to say that I had no intention on tipping either. I felt I had already overpaid with the $60! I owed money for tax, $12 and some odd change. When she pulled out a ziplock bag she gave me almost a whole dollar back in NICKELS.
I do not recommend this establishment. And quite honestly I thought about calling the Ohio State Board of Cosmetology to inquire about her licensing.
If I had paid $160 for this service I would have simply wrote "SUCKER" across my newly "relaxed and rejuvenated" skin.